
Thursday 29 May 2014

Half Term!!

Off work this week as it's half term and my son is off school, so far we've been having lots of fun but the weather has mainly been rain! Which is great for the grass seeds and the flowers but not great for days out. Our camping break over the Bank Holiday was a wash out due to the rain and me getting a horrible cold on the Sunday :( Anyway so we are back home now and I'm back in my Sewing Studio (the kitchen table) working on my latest project - Raggy Dolls - listening to KISS FM.

The Raggy Dolls are going really well, I've 2 made so far with another 4  ready to be finished once I embroider the faces.

On the other side of Hatz 4 Headz I sold one of my Shark Hatz yesterday for a Charity Shark Swim. More info to follow on that and hopefully some pictures of my hat being featured in the events publicity!

 Very exciting news here in Hatz 4 Headz Headquarterz!

C x

Tuesday 20 May 2014

First Post


This is my first official Hatz 4 Headz Blog post! I'm not really expecting anyone to read this blog if I'm honest (there's far more interesting blogs out there!)

It's more of a way to document my creations knitting and sewing and a way to note down and save my patterns, and of course share any patterns i write.

If you are here because you want to be :/  and you haven't taken a wrong turn on Google then thank you for reading my first post lets hope the rest get better!
