
Friday 22 January 2016

Glorious Weather and New Wool

As I sit here and type the weather is currently miserable, it's very wet and its rainy, so funny how the weather can change so much in a day. Here's a couple of shots of the beautful sunshine we had a couple of days ago.


Me and my son have a really nice walk in the morning and afternoon on our way to and from school and go past some lovely open spaces and fields. There's always a lovely smell of freshly baked bread and cookies and sometimes you even have seagulls flying over. It really gives me a sense of living somewhere peaceful in the countryside.

New Wool

I have a new haul of wool! I'm going away on holiday in a few weeks (will be sure to share lots of pictures with you) to Northumberland and I'm going to be taking my crochet hooks and needles so I definatley needed some new wool to take with me. If you love knitting you will be sure to understand the excitement of new wool! 

I ordered the wool from Kemps Wool Shop I love the selection of wool they have, I ordered some 100g balls of Hayfield Bonus DK, some balls of Recycled Cotton Aran and Nuvo DK. Here's a snap of the wool.

My Selection of Wool

Nuvo Turquoise Mix 05

Then following down from the top left is

Duck Egg, Sapphire, Neon, Juniper ,Highlighter, Spearmint, Punchy Pink, Peachy, Claret. Then two small balls of Royal, and three balls of Receycled Cotton Aran in shades Cream, Fuchsia and Crocus.

At £1.69 for a 100g ball it was pretty good value with free postage too. Have a look for yourself.

Will share anything I make with you.

C x

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