
Friday 15 January 2016

Worrying, Snow, Ice and Cats

Well, what a week! Sorry I haven't been around lately it's not because I've been super busy it's because I've been super anxious. Cannot seem to function properly when i'm spending my day worrying about something, and as it goes everything was fine and I had nothing to worry about, but then isn't that how anxiety works?? Can anyone sympathise with my anxiety or am i just rambling on? Maybe I should change the topic of this blog?

Anyway, for the latter part of the week I have managed to get into the Hatz 4 Headz studio and craft some items. Mainly Colin the Cats in a variety of colours cos they are so so delicious! There's something very relaxing about making things from brightly coloured felt, not to mention therapeutic when you're poking the stuffing in.

Walked to school this morning in the ice and snow which was fun to say the least, I slipped and slid around a few times and then the snow came down on my way back. But now it's beautiful sunshine but still bitter cold. Crazy UK weather for you. My sons just hoping for snow so they will close his school, funny how you think as kids :)

Short blog today but here's a few pictures to enjoy :) Thank you to all the new likers to my Facebook page and also any new blog readers.

C x

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