
Wednesday 27 January 2016

More Cats, this time Love Cats!


Hope everyone is enjoying the rain... Not! Just think of the plants, eh, growing away with all this water. It wasn't raining in Cheshire this morning just terribly windy, I've heard a few crashes coming from outside from things getting blown about here and there but on further inspection nothing was there ... Which, I guess it wouldn't be if it's been blown away? Hmm...

Has anyone got the sunshine? Is it not Spring yet?

Colourful Cats

I've been making lots of Colin the Cats lately and am very excited to show you the results. I just love how bright and colourful they are, I mean who wouldn't want one of these smiling at them from the mantelpiece? I have several and they make me smile just looking at them haha, i'm starting to sound like a crazy cat lady now, aren't i? Here they are...

Colin the Cat

Eek! Ultimate cuteness going on here! I have a few of these available in my Etsy shop and you can also personalise them and request them to be made in any colour of your choice, changing the colour of the tail and the heart too.  I love how their quirky eyes are looking in different directions. Lovely felt cats!

Love Cats

Staying on the subject of cats as this seems to be my main focus of crafting lately lol I do like cats as I have two myself, I'm now starting to realise that maybe I like them a little bit more than I realised! 

These Love Cats are just lovely, I found the inspiration on Pinterest, which could be very easily mistaken for my second home as I spend a lot of time there, and even more time making my house unique from various ideas on Pinterest! I think we all do this though!

Knitted with two strands of double knit yarn and stuffed, these have an added heart on the front with a felt initial inside it. Hoping to find some time over the next week to make a few more in different colours.

I've already had a request from my son to make an Enderman one, which should be interesting. Enderman is a character from the computer game Minecraft for those that aren't familiar with it. Its one of his main passions so I think I'll secretly make him one for a little Valentines gift.


I'm off to make some more cats before I venture out into the wind and rain on the school run! Happy crafting everyone!

C x

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Tilda Snails and Geometric Cushions


Just a quick blog today as I've been really busy today! I've had a rare day off from crafting (well almost) and I've been decorating my living room. I say decorating but I'm really just going over the the three walls that are magnolia, with magnolia! I've preparing my house for selling so i'm freshening it up here and there! Mostly just another coat of magnolia but it's not all plain. I have a feature wall in my living room with has stone brick wallpaper on it, I hang little nick nacks on it from my travels and I'm a big fan of quirky things. I currently have three plaques from the London to Brighton Mini Runs in 2003, 2005 and 2006 and various other signs about love, life and general happiness quotes. 

Tilda Snails

I had a lovely little look round Etsy today at various Tilda Garden Snails, they look amazing! People are so talented and the fabrics they choose are just delicious! I managed to source the Tilda Snail Kits and have purchased a few for my Etsy shop, i'm just debating whether to sell the kits or to make the snails and then sell them?? What do we think??

Geometric Cushions

Image result for geometric cushion kitImage result for geometric cushion kit

Aren't these fab! I think they are totally amazing and they are definitely my best find today! They are long stitch cushion kits which you make yourself. I can just see myself sat in the holiday cottage in a few weeks times stitching away creating this colourful masterpiece, because it is a masterpiece! I know a couple of people who would love this as a gift. As a kit or completed! I took the plunge and ordered one of each to begin with, these will be on sale in my Etsy shop from Thursday so if you're interested keep your eyes peeled! Wondering again whether to sell the kits or make and sell them, I don't think i can resist making them! I may have to order some more I think

So today has been a busy day of Tilda Garden Snails and Geometric Cushions and painting the magnolia walls well, magnolia! More crafting tomorrow as I have a delivery coming which as you know is especially exciting for me haha

C x

Monday 25 January 2016

Cats and Pegs


Hope you have all had a nice weekend and thank you for reading and visiting my blog, I really appreciate it, if you wish to leave a comment please do as I love reading them. It's been pretty quiet here at Hatz 4 Headz over the weekend, I've sold another couple of the Tilda Sweetheart Doll Kits, which you can find here, always lovely to sell things in my shop. I hope some of you crafters out there send me some pictures of your kits all made up as I love receiving all your images and reviews.


As you know I have two cats which I love and I also love making little cats! I've been making felt cats for a while now and selling them in my Etsy shop which you can find here. These are fantastic value at just £3.49 and I have them available in almost any colour with any colour heart. I have a few new ones that I've been making recently so I will be sure to add them to my Etsy shop over the coming week.

My crafting of cats doesn't end there and at the risk of becoming a cat lady with several hundred felt and knitted cats adorning my house I have started knitting some cats! Cute chubby colourful cats with initials on the front in hearts. I've made one so far and he looks delicious. I just need to refine the pattern for them a bit more then I can show them off on my Facebook page which you can find here!


Not just any pegs, specifically woolly pegs - catchy? new project name? - With my new wool haul firmly making itself at home now I decided it was time to sort the colours in a lovely little peg organisation method that I've seen other crafters use. Lovely idea to use pegs as being a mum it's something I have access to!

I'm looking at some different colourways and here are the ones I've come up with and think look nice. I'm thinking cushions and blankets and maybe some slipper socks!

I really like the Hayfield Punchy Pink, I love coral and this is very similar, it bring a fresh spring and summer feel to the palette. The Hayfield Peach and Hayfield Spearmint also go very nice together, very candy like.

I think the Hayfield Peach also goes quite nice with the Hayfield Duck Egg and brings nice contrast. I quite like the Hayfield Juniper too and like the contrast of dark and light.

I love these three together! I'm going to look at some other colourways and maybe add a few more colours to the mix. 

I'm off to make dinner now as little one is hungry and to squeeze some oranges for some lovely fresh juice with dinner!

C x

Friday 22 January 2016

Glorious Weather and New Wool

As I sit here and type the weather is currently miserable, it's very wet and its rainy, so funny how the weather can change so much in a day. Here's a couple of shots of the beautful sunshine we had a couple of days ago.


Me and my son have a really nice walk in the morning and afternoon on our way to and from school and go past some lovely open spaces and fields. There's always a lovely smell of freshly baked bread and cookies and sometimes you even have seagulls flying over. It really gives me a sense of living somewhere peaceful in the countryside.

New Wool

I have a new haul of wool! I'm going away on holiday in a few weeks (will be sure to share lots of pictures with you) to Northumberland and I'm going to be taking my crochet hooks and needles so I definatley needed some new wool to take with me. If you love knitting you will be sure to understand the excitement of new wool! 

I ordered the wool from Kemps Wool Shop I love the selection of wool they have, I ordered some 100g balls of Hayfield Bonus DK, some balls of Recycled Cotton Aran and Nuvo DK. Here's a snap of the wool.

My Selection of Wool

Nuvo Turquoise Mix 05

Then following down from the top left is

Duck Egg, Sapphire, Neon, Juniper ,Highlighter, Spearmint, Punchy Pink, Peachy, Claret. Then two small balls of Royal, and three balls of Receycled Cotton Aran in shades Cream, Fuchsia and Crocus.

At £1.69 for a 100g ball it was pretty good value with free postage too. Have a look for yourself.

Will share anything I make with you.

C x

Friday 15 January 2016

Worrying, Snow, Ice and Cats

Well, what a week! Sorry I haven't been around lately it's not because I've been super busy it's because I've been super anxious. Cannot seem to function properly when i'm spending my day worrying about something, and as it goes everything was fine and I had nothing to worry about, but then isn't that how anxiety works?? Can anyone sympathise with my anxiety or am i just rambling on? Maybe I should change the topic of this blog?

Anyway, for the latter part of the week I have managed to get into the Hatz 4 Headz studio and craft some items. Mainly Colin the Cats in a variety of colours cos they are so so delicious! There's something very relaxing about making things from brightly coloured felt, not to mention therapeutic when you're poking the stuffing in.

Walked to school this morning in the ice and snow which was fun to say the least, I slipped and slid around a few times and then the snow came down on my way back. But now it's beautiful sunshine but still bitter cold. Crazy UK weather for you. My sons just hoping for snow so they will close his school, funny how you think as kids :)

Short blog today but here's a few pictures to enjoy :) Thank you to all the new likers to my Facebook page and also any new blog readers.

C x

Friday 8 January 2016

Colin the Cat

Morning all, I thought I would blog early today as I feel like I achieved nothing yesterday so I am on a housework and crafting mission today so will blog early with the hope to get lots done today! (a girl can dream)

For those that don't know me on a personal level probably don't know that I suffer from anxiety which affects my life almost daily to varying levels, the good part is that I get to work from home so I don't have to deal with the outside world when I don't feel like it, but then sometimes the outside world can't be avoided. Yesterday was a down day and I spent the entire day doing nothing!! I made cups of tea, sat and drank them and thought and worried, had a nap, had a cry, all because someone was phoning me at a set time that afternoon. The phone call finally came and a huge sense of relief came over me afterwards that I simply just cried so much. Phew, I done it, I made it. I always try and adopt the phrase 'Whats the worst that can happen?' Doesn't always work as i can't just seem to switch my mind off.

So that is my reason for today's mission!

I've started today by cutting out a pattern for the Colin the Cat that I make. I normally freehand the cats which makes them all unique and individual and so deliciously cute but I have an order for two so I think they should probably be the same size this time! And for consistency its probably  better.

Here is the pattern that I have drawn/cut out, IT's very cute looking already and it's just cardboard! I used cardboard over paper as I use a rotary cutter so no need for pinning.

So I'm going to make a million cats today! Ok, maybe I'll achieve two at least. I should probably introduce you to the real Colin the Cat.

(Great likeness, eh?)

He does normally look slightly more happier than he does here, he certainly hasn't got his Friday face on, this is more like a Monday morning face. Colin is part Siamese and very friendly and loves to stretch out and sleep on the sofa, or anywhere for that matter, he wasn't very impressed when I woke him up for a selfie. I have another cat called Kevin, who is actually a girl, long story.

Have fun crafting today and if you are crafting leave me a message with what you're making!

C x

Thursday 7 January 2016

A heartfelt post about felt

Felt is amazing, colourful, bright, super soft and so handy! Felt is something most crafters need, want, love and have to have in their possession!

I Love Felt!

Mostly, I love making things out of felt. Ok, so I think you get the picture, felt is ultimately useful.

This is what arrived in the post today...  There's something so exciting about something arriving in the post, even when you know exactly what it is, but then maybe that's the exciting bit...

Now, in the past I've been a victim to paying 50p per piece of felt at high street craft stores, which is fine if you just need a few, but if you're constantly buying felt and always using it the cost of it can really add up,  and if you're like me you like buying things at the best price possible!

This box contains a huge 60 pieces of felt, now you don't have to be a mathematician to work out that at 50p each it's going to cost a lot to buy 60 pieces of felt. This box however was a snip at just £6.99 from Amazon. I couldn't believe it, and you'd think with the price comes quality, but this felt is actually really really nice quality. Ok, yes it is acrylic not wool but aren't most things acrylic these days. It's a lot thicker and sturdier than the high street craft store felt. Normally with that felt when I peel the sticky label off it distorts the felt in that corner as it's that thin.

Here is the link to purchase from Amazon

I'm going to have a look through it and separate the colours so we can see what you actually get and I'll list them for you. It says on Amazon that you get 4 of each colour, which looks about right, so lets see how many shades we get.

C x

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Tilda Doll Kits

Happy New Year Bloggers.

I wanted to share with you some new products that I have in my shop from today. They are the wonderful doll kits made by Tilda. These kits are simply amazing and contain all you need (apart from the filling) to make a beautiful Tilda doll, they are really great for gifts for crafters as its a complete gift (apart from the filling).

The kits contains:

A 50ml bottle of black textile paint
A paintbrush
About a metre of elastic
A large fat quarter of fabric for the coat
A large fat quarter of fabric for the pants and hair bow
2 matching polka dot buttons
A large fat quarter of flesh fabric
A piece of Vilene Interfacing
Small piece of velcro
Cream coloured cotton
Flesh coloured cotton
Instructions in many languages
Pattern Pieces
Full coloured image instructions
And a needle!

All housed in a cure little box!

The doll measures 30cms when it's finished which thinking about it, is quite big really. Looking forward to seeing some images of peoples finished dolls in the future! May even make one myself...

These kits are for sale in my Etsy shop, find them here Hatz 4 Headz

C x